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Enhanced customer engagement

Encouraging your audience to interact with you creates loyal customers that then recommend your services to their known network, thus introducing more customers or clients to your brand. We provide you with software, tools, and excellent strategies to improve positive customer engagement and impressions on a number of platforms. In doing so, Microvera aids you in creating a strengthened relationship between your business and your consumers via facilitated channels for customer communications (through email, social media, live chats, updates, etc.) – keeping them coming back for more.

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Frequently asked questions

Why is customer engagement important?

It is imperative that you maintain a good relationship with your customers as fully engaged customers can introduce your brand to their network and connections. Keeping them engaged and happy are what creates loyal clients and improves customer experience.

How can you help me increase my customer engagement?

We do this by assessing you company and needs and creating a customer engagement strategy tailored to your busines.

How can customer engagement enhance sales?

By keeping your audience engaged through proactive communication and many other ways, you can build relationships with your clients and let them begin to feel comfortable and confident in your services. This can lead to good reviews and your business sales growing through recommendations and customer ambassadors who can vouch for your brand and products and more.

How will I know that it is working?

Results can be evident through customer reviews, feedback, customer engagement surveys and more, as well as data analysis of sales and engagements on social media.

Why Microvera?

Microvera is an experienced company with over 10 years of working in the digital and physical marketing world and helps cater to all of your business needs. Our team has been provided with exceptional training and always ensure that your business is given the best of the best. Our clients speak for us with many of their positive reviews stating their benefits from working with Microvera, and we would like to do the same for you!

How do I make payments?

All payments are taken via Direct-Debit – this can be set up through your phone, online or contact your bank directly to help set this up for you.
You cannot cancel payments before your scheduled deadline.

Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, our services do not allow for refunds to be accepted due to the nature of this business and the complexity of advanced technological services that you will be provided with.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Our team are always happy to help you.
Feel free to contact us via:
Phone: +44 (0)7463899555
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +44 (0)7447 894477

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