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How can I make my app successful?
How long do you take to develop an app?
How much input can I give on the graphics and overall look of the application?
I already have a website; do I need a mobile one?
I am not very sound technically. Could you please tell me how much work on my part is involved in app creation?
Should I develop in IOS or Android?
What is a mobile application?
What is involved in developing an app?
What platforms do you develop for?
Why does my business need a mobile app?
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How can I make my app successful?
How long do you take to develop an app?
How much input can I give on the graphics and overall look of the application?
I already have a website; do I need a mobile one?
I am not very sound technically. Could you please tell me how much work on my part is involved in app creation?
What is a mobile application?
What is involved in developing an app?
What platforms do you develop for?
Why does my business need a mobile app?
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Blog Writing Service
Can you meet tight deadlines?
Do I get 100% rights to the content you deliver to me?
Do you provide content updating/content rewriting services?
I have content written by a cheaper writing service overseas. Is it possible to have your company revise it?
I know my website needs improvement, but where do I start?
I need writing services for different areas. Is Microvera capable of handling it?
Is there a limit to the amount of articles I send back for revision?
What are the writing services that Microvera provides?
What if I want my content to be optimized for SEO?
What services do you offer under content development?
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Business Idea
Are there any types of businesses I should avoid?
Do I need a lawyer to start a business?
How can I come up with a great name for my business?
How can I protect my great idea?
How much should I capitalize my business with at the beginning?
What are the benefits of starting my own business?
What are the biggest mistakes made by startup entrepreneurs?
What are the risks of starting my own business?
What type of business should I start?
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Choose a Company Name
Do I have to register my business name?
How long is a trademark good for? How long does a trademark last?
If I trademark my company/product name, does that mean nobody else can use it?
What is a trademark?
What is the legal name of my business?
What kind of legal and practical issues should I consider when naming my business?
What should I consider when choosing a business name?
What's the best type of name for my business?
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Cloud Services
Are my files safe in the Cloud?
Can applications move from one cloud to another?
Can’t I just place all my workloads on a public cloud?
Do I need Cloud computing?
What are public and private Clouds?
What is the Cloud?
What types of applications can run in the cloud?
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Company Registration
What are the main types of companies/entities?
What do I need to know in order to set up a new company?
What is a non-profit corporation?
What is Limited Liability Company (LLC)?
Which type of business entity is better?
Why content marketing?
Why do businesses incorporate?
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Content Marketing
Can’t we just use our Facebook page or Google+?
How do I measure the success of my content marketing efforts – and my overall digital marketing efforts?
How do you get started in content marketing?
Is content marketing purely an online activity?
Should we focus putting it all on our site or elsewhere?
What are the best ways to build an audience with content?
What exactly is content marketing?
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Can someone other than the author become the copyright holder?
How is a copyright different from a patent or a trademark?
What does copyright protect?
What is copyright?
When is my work protected?
When should I get permission to use a copyrighted work?
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What file format should I use when submitting my electronic document for printing?
What is Digital Printing?
What is process color?
What is the difference between offset and digital printing?
What type of products and services do you provide?
Why do the printed colors look different from the colors on my screen?
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Domain Registration
Are there any tips for choosing the best domain names?
Can I cancel a domain registration?
Do I need a domain name to have a website?
Do I own the domain name?
How do I change my domain name?
How Do I Register A Domain Name?
Should I register more than one domain name?
What happens if my domain name registration expires?
What Is A Domain Name?
Why is my domain not working?
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E-mail Marketing
What is the best way to build an email strategy?
Why Email Marketing is important to business?
Why is personalization in email so important?
ECommerce Web Design
Can a website be designed to be “Search Engine Friendly?”
Do you design e-commerce websites?
I already have a website. Do I need to change or update my website to get e-Commerce?
Should my company use eCommerce?
What is e-Commerce?
Who can use eCommerce?
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Envelope, Flayer and Brochure
How well will what I see on my monitor match what I see on paper?
Is white considered a printing color?
What are the most common sizes for brochures?
What are the most common sizes for catalogs and booklets?
What is color separation?
What is the best file format for submitting a document for printing?
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How can I make my app successful?
How long do you take to develop an app?
How much input can I give on the graphics and overall look of the application?
I already have a website; do I need a mobile one?
I am not very sound technically. Could you please tell me how much work on my part is involved in app creation?
iPhone vs. Android
What is a mobile application?
What is involved in developing an app?
What platforms do you develop for?
Why does my business need a mobile app?
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Letterhead Design
Why the letterhead?
Logo Design
Do you make logo design for products, titles, or names?
How does your logo design process work?
What is the difference between a corporate image and an illustration?
When I view my stationery on the web site it seems to have different colors from my original logo design, why?
Who keeps the rights of the created logo design?
Will my logo be unique?
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Marketing Materials
8 marketing-focused questions to ask when it comes to Marketing Materials:
Does Microvera do headshots, individual portraits, family portraits, newborn shoots, commercial photography, or other types of photography?
Does Microvera edit all of our photographs?
Does Microvera provide video services?
What is your photography style?
Why should I choose Microvera for my photography needs?
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Radio Live stream
Can I download the stream and listen to it later?
What does “Live Stream” mean?
What is web-radio, and what are the benefits of this service?
Why does the stream sometimes stop for a while or stutter?
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Search Engine Optimization
Can your SEO services guarantee results?
Explain SEO vs. Digital Marketing?
How do you optimize my search engine?
Should I start SEO before or after my website is built?
What are Keywords?
What does SEO stand for?
Why do I need SEO for my business?
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Social Media Live stream
“7” Live Tips to Follow Before, During & After Your Broadcast
How do my viewers / customers get to see my events?
Is there a limit on the number of people who can view my broadcast?
What are the possible problems that can occur?
Why should I live stream events?
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Social Media Management
Can you help me determine whether a social media marketing campaign will help me reach my online marketing goals?
Do I really need to hire an expert for social media? We already post our blog posts and latest news. Isn’t that enough?
How Do I Get More Followers?
Is it OK to post the same content on each platform every day? Or should we post different updates on different sites?
What common social media marketing mistakes should my business avoid?
What if I haven’t done anything on social media and don’t even have any profiles set up?
What social media platforms do you work with?
Which social media platforms should my brand be present on?
Will social media work for my business?
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Social Media Management
Can you help me determine whether a social media marketing campaign will help me reach my online marketing goals?
Do I really need to hire an expert for social media? We already post our blog posts and latest news. Isn’t that enough?
How Do I Get More Followers?
Is it OK to post the same content on each platform every day? Or should we post different updates on different sites?
What common social media marketing mistakes should my business avoid?
What if I haven’t done anything on social media and don’t even have any profiles set up?
What social media platforms do you work with?
Which social media platforms should my brand be present on?
Will social media work for my business?
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Social Media Promotion
How Does Social Media Work Combined With SEO?
How long does it take before seeing results from Social Media Promotion?
How should Businesses measure their social media marketing success?
How should we be using Facebook for Social Media Promotion?
How should we be using LinkedIn in our Social Media Promotion?
How should we be using Twitter for Social Media Promotion?
Is YouTube important for Social Media Promotion?
What are some general tips for social media success?
What are the benefits of social media Promotion for my small business?
Which social media platforms should my business have a presence on?
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Social Media Setup
Can Microvera increases leads for my business?
How do I improve my social media reputation?
How do I use Google+?
How do I use Instagram?
How do I use Pinterest?
How do I use Twitter?
Should my business try each different Social Media site? How should they choose the right one now that there are so many of them?
Why is Social Media so important?
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Strategy & Consulting
Can Microvera guarantees that our plan will raise capital?
I have developed a patented product and now I need help getting it to market. Can you help me?
What industries does Microvera specialize in?
What types of problems does Microvera solve?
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Amateur vs. Professional Video Production: 5 Ways to Tell the Difference
How long should videos be?
Why choose Microvera for video production?
Why video production?
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Web Hosting
Can I buy web hosting without a domain name?
What is “Domain Parking”?
What is shared hosting?
What is the difference between Web Hosting and Domain Registration?
What is web hosting?
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Web Management
What are Key Benefits of Web Management?
What are the main areas that the Web Management covers?
What is Web Management?
Webcasting Solutions Provider
“5” critical features to look for in your next webcast provider:
Web Casting Features ?
What is Web Casting?
Website Development
Can a website be designed to be “Search Engine Friendly?”
Can you explain web design?
What is the most important part of a website?
Why opt for a customized website design?
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Windows Phone
How can I make my app successful?
How long do you take to develop an app?
How much input can I give on the graphics and overall look of the application?
I already have a website; do I need a mobile one?
I am not very sound technically. Could you please tell me how much work on my part is involved in app creation?
What is a mobile application?
What is involved in developing an app?
What platforms do you develop for?
Why does my business need a mobile app?
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