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8 marketing-focused questions to ask when it comes to Marketing Materials:

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1. Does it look professional and follow good design principles?
2. Does the design promote the appropriate look and feel for your business?
3. Is your primary message clearly stated?
4. Is it targeting the appropriate audience?
5. Does it include the correct content sections in the right order?
6. Does it promote the correct call to action?
7. Is the navigation clear and accounting for all important areas?
8. Does it promote a good user experience?

There are a variety of factors in addition to look and feel that contribute to the success of a Marketing Compaign, such as whether or not it provides a good user experience or adequately meet a business’s goals. These factors should be taken into consideration when reviewing the Marketing Materials in order to maximize its potential. Here at Microvera, we are proud to always deliver beyond expectations. Contact us for more information.

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