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Why Email Marketing is important to business?

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Email marketing is also a very personal way of reaching your target customers. Messages from your friends and family are sitting next to email updates from your company. That’s why email marketing works at its best when it is personalized. Email can be tailored to customer actions so that every communication is relevant to their interest. You can cover topics like changes in your company, victories, and request feedback to your customer -this list is virtually endless.

6 Reasons You Need Email Marketing by 2020

Not quite convinced about the importance of email marketing? We’ve put together a list of powerful reasons that your brand needs to start using email marketing to reach and engage your target customers by 2020:

  • Email marketing is cost-effective.

While traditional marketing tactics like TV or print ads and direct mail can become quite costly with all the fees involved, there are very little costs involved with email marketing. Depending on your in-house resources, you may need to hire help to create email content, and most businesses also pay to use email marketing automation services, which make effective email marketing less time-intensive. However, these costs are fairly minimal when compared to buying add space or paying to print and mail marketing materials to leads and customers.

  • You can reach more mobile customers with email marketing.

Mobile marketing cannot be ignored when it comes to the importance of email marketing.
The number of consumers using mobile devices on a daily basis continues to climb. With that in mind, businesses need to find a way to better interact with mobile consumers if they want to remain competitive in the digital marketplace. With two-thirds of emails being read on smart phones or tablets, email marketing proves to be an effective tactic for helping businesses reach and engage those consumers that are using their mobile device.

  • You can automate the email marketing process.

In addition to improving the relevancy and timeliness of your campaigns, marketing automation can also help you save time and money in the process. With automation, you don’t have to worry about waiting around for the perfect moment to send a message; your automation system takes care of that for you. This allows you to focus on your core business, while leaving the rest of your team free to take on other important tasks.

  • Email marketing makes it easy to personalize content for better response rates.

Email marketing makes it easy to personalize the messaging and content you deliver to subscribers. Using data that you’ve collected from your subscribers and leads, you can work to provide more personalized and relevant content that your readers are more likely to enjoy and act on. This can improve both your open and click-through rates as well as your overall conversion rates.

  • You can make your email marketing interactive.

Rather than sending the subscriber to a landing page right away, you can provide different types of interactive content within the body of the email. From embedded video content to email carousels, interactive content keeps consumers interested and engaged before they head back to your site to take action.


  • You can quickly and easily measure your email marketing efforts.

With email marketing analytics, your business can see which users opened your emails, if they clicked any links, or if they took the desired action (or converted). You can also see how many people unsubscribed from your list after opening the email. This information becomes valuable as you work to analyze your digital marketing strategy and make adjustments for improvement.

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