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Company Registration (Platinum)

Company registration (Platinum)

  • Guide to help you get started
  • Ready to Trade Limited Company
  • 3 to 6 Hour Online Formation
  • Companies House Filing Fee Included
  • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  • Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Copy of Share Certificate(s)
  • Free Business Bank Account (optional)
  • Online Company Manager
  • Online Support
  • Company Register with First Entries
  • Printed Certificate of Incorporation
  • Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Printed Share Certificate(s)
  • Full Company Secretary Service
  • GDPR Compliance Package
  • Free Client Portal to Manage your Companies
Accounting (Platinum)

Accounting (Platinum)

  • Quarterly review of your bookkeeping data
  • Submission of Financial Statements
  • Submission of Payroll (for up to 2 employees)
  • Submission of P11d
  • Self-Assessment Tax Return
  • Assistance with HMRC records checks
  • Reminder services for all deadlines and payments
  • Companies House Confirmation Statements
  • Ongoing tax payment reminders

Live Stream

Your virtual audience wants to engage with your event, and you want them to have an amazing experience through live stream. Microvera helps you craft real-time digital experiences that excite,…

Creation & Optimisation (Gold)

Creation & optimisation (Gold)

  • Professional Setup of your Social Networks
  • Choose from: Facebook, X, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram
  • 3 hours Consultation with Social Media Specialist
  • Identification of appropriate Social Media Page/Profile names Usernames
  • Write and/or optimise about/bio sections of social media sites
  • Custom designed profile and background images for each network we establish (where relevant)
  • Integration of Social Media icons on your website (where your site permits)
  • Handover of all networks with log in details via a document
  • Up to 3 hours Training on how to maximise new networks via Skype/phone
  • Creation of Company Gmail linked to Google Business & Google Map
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