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Reign group

Reign group

We are Reign Group; a group of companies that care about the quality of our customers life. Microvera created their logo and handled the graphic design and social media platforms…

Reign Store

Reign Store

Welcome to Reign Stop Shop where we help you look and feel your best. Microvera created their logo and handled the graphic design and social media platforms management.

Golden Tasty

Golden Tasty

At Golden Tasty, we serve authentic Syrian Shawarma and a variety of choices to satisfy all tastes. We make individuals happy and satisfy their hunger. Microvera created their website, menus,…

DJ. Samooha

DJ. Samooha

At DJ Samoha, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch service to our clients. From the initial consultation to the day of the event, we work closely with you to ensure…

Circumcision Clinic

Circumcision Clinic

Circumcision Clinic performs circumcisions on all ages from babies, children, and adults. Circumcision Clinic provide a professional and medical service to families who wish their sons to be circumcised &…

Reign Clinic

Reign Clinic

Reign Clinic provides you treatments that are tailored to the individual and personal experiences. Offering flattering, natural looking results in everything from injectables, medical facials or thread lifts. Microvera created…

Soomedha Beauty Clinic

Soomedha Beauty Clinic

Welcome to Soomedha Beauty Clinic, where we believe that beauty is not just skin deep, but a reflection of your inner self. We offer a range of treatments designed to…

Jbara Olive Oil

Jbara Olive Oil

Jbara’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil is produced exclusively mechanically, without filtration, preserving its flavor, consistency and superior quality. Microvera was hired for website creation and development, branding, graphic design, and…

Jbara & Co

Jbara & Co

At Jbara & Co, we specialize in startup and early stage company investments. We act for companies, investors, employees and founders. Microvera was hired for website creation and development, branding…

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