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Logo Design (Gold)

Logo design (Gold)

  • 100% Original NEW Logo creation
  • High Quality Vector transparent PNG and JPG files
  • Professional quality and results
  • Different color variation
  • Free PSD (Photoshop) Source Files
  • 3 revision
  • Estimated completion: 12 days
  • ** For more complicated artwork, request a Quick Quote.
Logo Design (Silver)

Logo design (Silver)

  • 100% Original Logo
  • High Quality Vector transparent PNG and JPG files
  • Professional quality and results
  • Different color variation
  • Free PSD (Photoshop) Source Files
  • 2 revision
  • Estimated completion: 10 days
  • ** For more complicated artwork, request a Quick Quote.
Logo Design (Bronze)

Logo design (Bronze)

  • 100% Original Logo
  • High Quality Vector transparent PNG and JPG files
  • Professional quality and results
  • Different color variation
  • Free PSD (Photoshop) Source Files
  • 1 revision
  • Estimated completion: 7 days
  • Simple Redraw
SEO (Silver)

SEO (Silver)

  • 12 Month Plan
  • Recommended for Sole Traders
  • Guaranteed results
  • Phone/Email support
  • Title Optimization
  • Meta Description
  • Keywords Researched
SEO (Bronze)

SEO (Bronze)

  • 12 Month Plan
  • Recommended for Sole Traders & Small Businesses
  • Guaranteed results
  • Phone/Email support
  • Title Optimisation
  • Meta Description
  • Image Alt Tags
  • Keywords Researched
SEO (Gold)

SEO (Gold)

  • 12 Month Plan
  • Recommended for Small Businesses & Intermediate Businesses+
  • Guaranteed results
  • sPhone/Email support
  • Title Optimization
  • Meta Description
  • Image Alt Tags
  • Advanced Keywords Researched
  • Google Analytics Setup & Configuration.
  • Advanced Support for WooCommerce
Email Marketing (Platinum)

Email marketing (Platinum)

  • 8000-9000 Emails weekly
  • Advanced designs and templates
  • Advanced analytic reports
  • Spam free
  • Customer support
  • Time zone sending
Email Marketing (Gold)

Email marketing (Gold)

  • 7000-8000 Emails weekly
  • Simple designs and templates
  • Advanced Analytic reports
  • Spam free
  • Customer support
  • Time zone sending
Email Marketing ( Bronze )

Email marketing ( Bronze )

  • 2000 Emails weekly
  • Simple designs
  • Analytic reports
  • subscriber growth reports and overall engagement
  • Spam free
  • Customer support
Platform Management (Silver)

Platform management (Silver)

  • 12 Month Plan Per month (billed Annually)
  • Up to 18 graphic posts
  • Facebook, Instagram
  • Publishing or Scheduling
  • Monthly Reports
  • 24/7 UK Support
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