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Company Registration

Company registration

Microvera can help you legitimise your business by making sure it is legally registered to avoid conflict with your founders and provide many more benefits to your company. In registering…

Strategy Consulting

Strategy Consulting

Providing the best advice for the growth of your organisation with an unbiased and open-minded team of strategy consultants is exactly what Microvera can offer you. Microvera helps you find…

Virtual Address

Virtual Address

In order for consumers to reach you on a larger scale online in a technologically advanced society, a business must have a virtual address in a prime location. Our services…

App Development

Through custom app development, we have helped many businesses make more informed decisions thanks to the intelligent data driven systems that we use to help engage their audience. Our engineers…

Live Streaming

Broadband Internet access has become more popular in recent years which mean faster connection and real-time interactivity. Microvera offers complete audio and video streaming services for your site to compete…

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