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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy policy is essential in order to tell the users about how the data they share with us will remain protected and will not be used for malicious…

Refund Policy

Refund Policy Usually, refund policy refers to a company’s policy on dealing with returns and refunds that apply to the purchase made by customers. Usually, there are specified days along…


FAQs On this page you’ll find the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about utilizing our design services, and how to work with Microvera.

Microvera Ltd. | Official Site

Microvera ltd. | Official Site

We offer professional SEO services that help websites increase their organic search score drastically in order to compete for the highest rankings — even when it comes to highly competitive…

Dermanda Clinic

Dermanda Clinic

Dermanda is a prestigious beauty clinic located in Harley Street, London. Dermanda’s international clientele speaks for their brand and gives them an honorable reputation. Microvera helped in website creation, booking…

Web Design ( Platinum )

Web Design ( Platinum )

  • 24 Month Plan
  • Fast Website Hosting
  • 1 Email Address
  • Social Media Integration
  • Advanced CMS
  • Annual Domain Renewals
  • Desktop Responsive
  • SSL Certificate
  • 1-5 Pages
  • Dedicated Designer
Long Sleeve T-Shirts

Long Sleeve T-Shirts

High quality wear is an essential part of your business image. Customised t-shirts are a great way of balancing fashion and marketing and will surely attract the attention of your audience.
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