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Can you explain web design?

Without getting too technical, it means: to create a website with forms, scripts, animated menus, databases, password protected sections, shopping carts, and other integrated parts.

How do I improve my social media reputation?

The first thing you want to do is make sure your profile is optimized correctly with your logo/photos. Then, make sure you fill out all relevant information like website, bio,…

How do I use Twitter?

Twitter is excellent for communicating points smartly and succinctly. Since you’re only limited to 140 characters per post- it’s important to get your point across quickly! There is a huge…

How do I use Google+?

While not a lot of people talk about being on Google+ necessarily- it’s excellent for SEO. If you have a Gmail address- you already have a Google+ account. Use it…

How do I use Pinterest?

Pinterest is basically an online “pin board” where you can collect all of your favorite images and articles across the web. The best way to thrive on Pinterest is to…

How do I use Instagram?

Instagram is actually a phone app that is immensely popular and is photo based. For certain businesses, it’s very influential if used correctly. We recommend posting well-composed photos and graphics…

Why is Social Media so important?

By nature, humans are social creatures who seek individuality among a larger community. Social media paves a way for this dynamic to thrive, by allowing everyone’s knowledge to be collaborated…

How Does Social Media Work Combined With SEO?

Microvera will insist that you do Social Media Promotion along with your SEO efforts, simply because Google likes the social signals. Social signals are not end all of SEO efforts,…

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