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Is content marketing purely an online activity?

Social media and self-publishing have made content marketing predominantly an online activity. Businesses may start their content research offline, by attending industry events, brand-owned events, conducting customer interviews and surveys,…

Why content marketing?

Content marketing is a form of pull marketing where quality content is treated as the cornerstone of the marketing strategy. Valuable content builds trust and credibility with the target audience…

What exactly is content marketing?

It is a marketing technique involving the creation and distribution of useful and compelling content in an effort to attract and engage a defined audience with the aim of converting…

What is a non-profit corporation?

A nonprofit corporation is a corporation that is formed pursuant to a different law than a standard for-profit corporation. The corporation must be formed for a religious, charitable, educational, literary,…

What is Limited Liability Company (LLC)?

An LLC is an entity that combines features of partnerships and corporations. It combines the advantages of limited liability (like a corporation) with the pass-through taxation and structural flexibility of…

Why do businesses incorporate?

Businesses incorporate primarily for protection: protection of the owners of the company from the liabilities of the business. Both corporations and limited liability companies legally separate the owners/investors of a…

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