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Do I need a lawyer to start a business?

No. If it’s a simple business with one owner, as you can incorporate through online services. However, it’s usually a good idea to have an experienced business lawyer on your…

How can I protect my great idea?

It’s the actual implementation of an idea that is more important. If it’s truly unique, you may get some protection through copyright.

What are the risks of starting my own business?

Although you can reap many benefits by starting your own business, there are definitely some risks. The most common include: Losing money. You're going to need money to get your small…

Are there any types of businesses I should avoid?

Businesses that use hazardous materials, make edible goods, care for children, sell alcohol, or build or repair structures, vehicles, or other items of value come with inherent risks. Unless you…

What type of business should I start?

There are so many different kinds of businesses -- and so many different kinds of people -- that it's impossible to give specific advice on the particular type of business…

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