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What is the legal name of my business?

The legal name of your business is the official name of the person or entity that owns the business. • Sole owner of your business: if you are the only…

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party…

Can’t I just place all my workloads on a public cloud?

Private clouds give you greater visibility and control of your applications and infrastructure. As a result, many businesses use their private clouds for business-driving applications that provide competitive advantage or…

What are public and private Clouds?

A Public Cloud is based on the standard cloud computing framework which consists of files, applications, storage and services available to the public via the internet. A Private Cloud is…

Do I need Cloud computing?

For sure.The Cloud Computing market continues to grow year after year because companies are becoming more aware of the cost saving benefits of adopting the cloud. With Hardware services, companies…

Are my files safe in the Cloud?

Yes. Cloud storage providers can offer a safer and more accessible place for companies to store data than traditional computing methods.

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