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Can I cancel a domain registration?

No. Because of the automatic nature of domain registrations, they cannot be cancelled once registered and the domain name will be yours for the registration period, after which you can…

Do I own the domain name?

Yes. The domain name will be registered to the name/company name and address you setup when you order it.

Should I register more than one domain name?

Your domain name is your unique website address and forms your company’s online identity and brand, allowing people to find you quickly and easily. By registering multiple extensions you are…

Why is my domain not working?

If you registered your domain with us recently, then maybe the DNS are not propagated completely. The registered domain normally becomes available after 24 hours after the registration. If you…

How do I change my domain name?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the registration of a domain from one name to another. If you want a new domain name, you will need to register it…

How Do I Register A Domain Name?

First, make sure the domain is available. Once you confirm it's available, you can register the domain at any domain registration site. Registering with Microvera simplifies the process greatly because…

Do I need a domain name to have a website?

While a domain name is not necessary to have a website, it is recommended. Whether you are creating a family website or a business website, having a domain name allows…

What Is A Domain Name?

A domain name is a word along with a top-level domain (.com, .net, .org, etc.) that uniquely identifies your website. A domain name, a series of textual characters that identifies…

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