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Book Repair And Restoration Service

Book Repair and Restoration Service

Revive Your Treasured Books with Microvera's Book Repair and Restoration Service In today's digital age, where the written word is often found online, it's easy to overlook the enduring importance…

Email Marketing In Your Web Marketing

Email Marketing in Your Web Marketing

Email marketing is a crucial component of web marketing strategies, offering businesses a direct and effective way to communicate with their audience, drive engagement, and achieve marketing objectives. Here's how…

The Power Of Internet And Web Marketing

The Power of Internet and Web Marketing

Unlocking Opportunities for Business Growth In the digital age, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for businesses, offering unparalleled opportunities for reaching and engaging with customers on a global…

The Power Of Social Media For Your Firm

The Power Of Social Media For Your Firm

Leveraging Digital Platforms for Success In today's digital age, social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their audience, expand their reach, and build their brand. From small startups…

What Do You Know About Social Media?

What Do You Know about Social Media?

Social media refers to online platforms and websites that facilitate the creation, sharing, and exchange of user-generated content, ideas, and information. These platforms allow users to interact with each other…

Layal Khalil

Layal Khalil

Luay Abdulilah is a regular contributor of literary criticism and short stories in several Arabic publications and newspapers. Microvera designed his website and produced graphics to provide him with a…

Women’s Growth & Success Foundation (London)

Women’s Growth & Success Foundation (London)

WGSF aims to empower and promote women who strive to succeed in their professional fields. Microvera designed their website, provided graphic design, printed stationary, created social media pages, handled the…

Al Sumari

Al Sumari

Al-Sumari is a social science research and strategy centre which cooperates with British universities to provide up-to-date research and statistics for students. Microvera designed this website from scratch and the…

Iraqi University

Iraqi University

Iraq University College (IUC) is a higher education institute that aims to develop the young minds of Iraq. Microvera created the website, the logo, handled web hosting, domain, graphic design,…



Fullblaze is a British company specializing in fire protection and detection equipment. Microvera created the website and logo, as well as their social media pages. We provide web management and…

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